Japanese newspaper
闘犬種とうけんしゅにかまれた女性じょせい全治ぜんち40にち ぬし書類送検しょるいそうけん
2020-07-12 15:02:03Z
Automatic translation 11:07 12/07/2020
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闘犬種とうけんしゅにかまれた女性じょせい全治ぜんち40にち ぬし書類送検しょるいそうけん
label.tran_page A woman bitten by a dogfighting dog sent a document to the owner for 40 days


label.tran_page According to the police, the man had a dogfighting American Pitbull Terrier (about 1 meter long) at home, but on May 15, he neglected the duty to chain it when opening the door, and escaped. It is suspected that the dog invaded a nearby woman`s (67) home premises, biting her arm and abdomen and injuring her for about 40 days.
label.tran_page The woman was hospitalized for about 10 days and was discharged.
label.tran_page The dog bit a small dog, a toy poodle, a woman was holding, and died a few days later.


label.tran_page The man was also screened for alleged violations of the Rabies Prevention Act for failing to obligate vaccination against rabies.