海岸に並ぶ豪邸群、浸食で崩落の危機 住民ら退避 豪
Houses lined up along the coast, collapse due to erosion Citizens evacuation Australia
Houses lined up along the coast, collapse due to erosion Citizens evacuation Australia
Coastal erosion on the coast of New South Wales, southeastern Australia, is threatening to collapse a mansion overlooking the sea
Coastal erosion on the coast of New South Wales, southeastern Australia, is threatening to collapse a mansion overlooking the sea
Residents show strong distrust of authorities’ response
Residents show strong distrust of authorities’ response
More than 40 homes line up on the cliffs of Wamberal Coast, north suburbs of Sydney
More than 40 homes line up on the cliffs of Wamberal Coast, north suburbs of Sydney
The surface of the cliff began to collapse due to the high waves that continued for several days these days.
The surface of the cliff began to collapse due to the high waves that continued for several days these days.
The footage shot last week shows waves hitting the building to heights and broken stairs.
The footage shot last week shows waves hitting the building to heights and broken stairs.
On weekends, some houses had flooded gardens or collapsed entrances and balconies.
On weekends, some houses had flooded gardens or collapsed entrances and balconies.
Authorities have determined that dozens are in danger
Authorities have determined that dozens are in danger
Instructed residents to pack up their luggage within 2 hours and evacuate during the low tide
Instructed residents to pack up their luggage within 2 hours and evacuate during the low tide
According to a study published in March this year, by 2100, about 11,400 km, or about 50% of the coastline sand, could be lost.
According to a study published in March this year, by 2100, about 11,400 km, or about 50% of the coastline sand, could be lost.
The Earth sciences authorities in the country have announced that there is a risk to nearly 39,000 buildings near the coast due to the progress of erosion due to the effects of climate change.
The Earth sciences authorities in the country have announced that there is a risk to nearly 39,000 buildings near the coast due to the progress of erosion due to the effects of climate change.