2020-08-12 09:40:04Z
Anonymous 22:08 12/08/2020
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label.tran_page Arrested Hong Kong “Democratic Goddess” Shuba


label.tran_page Mr. Zhou Yan, who was called the ”Goddess of Democracy” instructing the 2014 democratization demonstration ”Umbrella Movement” and threatened the security of the country by conspiring with foreign powers, threatened to violate the Hong Kong National Security Maintenance Law and told the Hong Kong police.

label.tran_page On the 10th, Mr. Shuba’s Facebook page stated that there was a strange man around his house in the morning and that the police were searching for his house.

label.tran_page Hong Kong democratic activist Satoshi Raokan, who also went to England, said, “It’s a nasty move by the Chinese government to contain the voice of protests in Hong Kong.
label.tran_page I strongly urge the world to monitor future movements.”

label.tran_page In Hong Kong, nine people including the founder of Hong Kong newspaper “Apple Daily” critical of the Chinese Communist Party, Mr. Hidetomo Rei, were arrested on the 10th, and after the enforcement of the National Security Law, the tightening of the democracy has become more severe.