月面着陸げつめんちゃくりくした元宇宙飛行士もとうちゅうひこうし93) “30歳年下さいとしした女性じょせい結婚けっこん10だいのようにワクワク」
2023-01-27 11:02:11
Lights Children's Collective 01:01 30/01/2023
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月面着陸げつめんちゃくりくした元宇宙飛行士もとうちゅうひこうし93) “30歳年下さいとしした女性じょせい結婚けっこん10だいのようにワクワク」
label.tran_page Former astronaut who landed on the moon (93) marries a woman ”30 years younger” ”excited like a teenager”


label.tran_page Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin (93), who boarded Apollo 11 with Neil Armstrong and others in 1969 and became the second person to stand on the moon.

label.tran_page According to CNN, on his 93rd birthday, on the 20th of this month, he announced on his Twitter account that he had married Anka Fowl (63), who was 30 years his junior and had been his longtime lover.

label.tran_page According to local media, this is Aldrin’s fourth marriage, and his wife, Foul, is the vice president of the company Aldrin represents.