日本にっぽん人口危機じんこうきき反転はんてんへ「ったなし」 岸田首相きしだしゅしょう施政方針演説しせいほうしんえんぜつ表明ひょうめい
2023-01-28 11:02:03
Anonymous 22:02 01/02/2023
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日本にっぽん人口危機じんこうきき反転はんてんへ「ったなし」 岸田首相きしだしゅしょう施政方針演説しせいほうしんえんぜつ表明ひょうめい
label.tran_page Prime Minister Kishida declared that it’s ‘now or never’ to reverse Japan’s population crisis on his Policy Speech.

 東京とうきょう(CNN) 岸田文雄首相きしだふみおしゅしょうは23にち施政方針演説しせいほうしんえんぜつで、日本にっぽん人口危機じんこうききについてせまった警告けいこくはっしました

label.tran_page Tokyo Prime Minister Fumio Kishida issued an urgen warning about Japan’s population crisis in his Policy Speech on the 23th.
label.tran_page The fertility rate is declining to the point that it is ‘on the brink of not being able to maintain social functions’, he said.

label.tran_page The prime minister Kishida, who said that dealing with the population crisis is ‘an issue that cannot wait any longer’, emphasized that ‘in thinking of the sustainability and inclusiveness of Japan’s economy and society, children and childrearing are placed as the most important policites’.

label.tran_page On top of that, he announced the intention to double the budget for child-related programs.
label.tran_page In April, a new ‘Children and Family Agency’ would be establised to focus on this issue.

label.tran_page Japan has one of the lowest birth rates in the world.
label.tran_page The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare predicts that the number of births last year will fall below 800,000 which is the lowest since records began in 1899.

label.tran_page On the other hand, life expectancy is among the highest in the world, and according to government statistics, about 1 in 1500 people was over 100 years old in 2020.