べいGDP 1012月期がつき2.9プラス
2023-01-28 11:02:03
Karma Sherpa 14:01 29/01/2023
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べいGDP 1012月期がつき2.9プラス
label.tran_page US GDP increased by 2.9% in the October-December quarter


label.tran_page  The U.S. Department of Commerce announced that the real GDP (gross domestic product) growth rate from October to December last year was an annualized increase of 2.9%.

label.tran_page Personal consumption increased, but housing investment declined due to interest rate hikes

label.tran_page The US economy posted positive growth for the second consecutive quarter, showing its resilience even under inflation.

label.tran_page In addition, the GDP for the whole year of 2022 increased by 2.1% compared to the previous year.