パンダのシャンシャン 最後さいごちゅうせんもうはじまる
2023-02-03 16:00:00
Anonymous 10:02 25/02/2023
6 0
Irena Šnajdar 13:02 07/02/2023
1 0
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パンダのシャンシャン 最後さいごちゅうせんもうはじまる
label.tran_page Shanshan the panda Applications for the final lottery begin


label.tran_page Panda Xiang Xiang at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo will return to China on the 21st of this month
label.tran_page Female Shan Shan is 5 years old and old enough to give birth


label.tran_page Since last month, Ueno Zoo has decided by lottery who will see Shan Shan because there are many people who come to see it.


label.tran_page And on the 3rd, we started applying for the lottery for the last two days
label.tran_page The lottery for viewing on the 18th and 19th of this month is up to 2600 people per day.
label.tran_page You can apply until 1pm on the 6th.


label.tran_page Born at Ueno Zoo, Xiang Xiang was supposed to be returned to China when he turned 2.
label.tran_page However, due to the spread of the new coronavirus, the carer could not go to China with him, so it was delayed.