京都きょうと八坂やさか神社じんじゃ 舞妓まいこなど節分せつぶんまめまきで1ねん健康けんこういの
2023-02-03 16:00:00
Anonymous 10:02 25/02/2023
9 0
Irena Šnajdar 10:02 04/02/2023
1 0
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京都きょうと八坂やさか神社じんじゃ 舞妓まいこなど節分せつぶんまめまきで1ねん健康けんこういの
label.tran_page Kyoto’s Yasaka Shrine Maiko and others pray for good health for the year at Setsubun bean-throwing


label.tran_page At Yasaka Shrine in Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto, on Setsubun and the day before it, maiko dance and bean-scattering are held to pray for a healthy and safe year.


label.tran_page It was canceled for the second year in a row due to the new coronavirus, but this year, on the 2nd and 3rd, the maiko danced beautifully on the stage at the shrine.
label.tran_page Maiko and people related to the shrine threw beans in white bags from the stage to the beat of the drums.


label.tran_page Beans are called ”fukumame” because there are good things to eat
label.tran_page The gathered people stretched out their hands to get the beans.


label.tran_page A woman from Dubai said, ”I love Japan and have been here five times already.
label.tran_page took one bean
label.tran_page I want to get married this year,” he said.