ロシア、がつまでにドンバス全体ぜんたい攻略狙こうりゃくねらう ウクライナ諜報ちょうほう
2023-02-06 08:40:54
mmsi 20:02 10/02/2023
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ロシア、がつまでにドンバス全体ぜんたい攻略狙こうりゃくねらう ウクライナ諜報ちょうほう
label.tran_page Russia aims to capture the entire Donbass by March Ukrainian intelligence


label.tran_page Russian President Vladimir Putin intends to capture the entire Donbass region in eastern Ukraine ”by March of this year” and fighting in the eastern region will intensify over the next few months, the Ukrainian military intelligence agency said on Thursday. was

label.tran_page A spokesperson for the General Information Authority, Yousov, made a statement on the official website
label.tran_page On top of that, he said that this plan would not work, and revealed that the target deadline for suppression had already been extended many times.

label.tran_page The Donbass region consists of Donetsk and Luhansk provinces

label.tran_page On the other hand, the spokesperson for Chernyakh from the Directorate General of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine also expressed the same view as Mr. Yusov earlier.

label.tran_page He explained that he was aware that the Russian military was redeploying additional strike forces, weapons and equipment to the East.
label.tran_page “Putin has ordered the (remaining) regions of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions to be captured by March,” it said, citing Ukrainian military intelligence.