がん患者と偽り寄付集め、19歳女を逮捕 米アイオワ州
A 19-year-old woman was arrested in Iowa, U.S., for claiming to be a cancer patient and collecting donations
A 19-year-old woman was arrested in Iowa, U.S., for claiming to be a cancer patient and collecting donations
A woman living in the Midwestern state of Iowa was arrested for defrauding donations totaling nearly $40,000 (approximately 5.3 million yen) from many organizations and individuals by pretending to be a cancer patient on SNS.
A woman living in the Midwestern state of Iowa was arrested for defrauding donations totaling nearly $40,000 (approximately 5.3 million yen) from many organizations and individuals by pretending to be a cancer patient on SNS.
Madison Russo, 19, had acute lymphocytic leukemia and stage 2 pancreatic cancer, and lied about having a football-sized tumor around her spine, local police said in a statement. , suspected of defrauding 439 organizations and individuals out of a total of $37,303
Madison Russo, 19, had acute lymphocytic leukemia and stage 2 pancreatic cancer, and lied about having a football-sized tumor around her spine, local police said in a statement. , suspected of defrauding 439 organizations and individuals out of a total of $37,303
An anonymous whistleblower with experience in the medical field pointed out ”medical contradictions” in the content posted on SNS.
An anonymous whistleblower with experience in the medical field pointed out ”medical contradictions” in the content posted on SNS.
Investigative authorities examined his medical records and found that he had never been diagnosed with cancer or a tumor at a nearby medical institution.
Investigative authorities examined his medical records and found that he had never been diagnosed with cancer or a tumor at a nearby medical institution.
The suspect was arrested on the 23rd of last month on suspicion of theft by fraud.
The suspect was arrested on the 23rd of last month on suspicion of theft by fraud.
”The police are rushing to identify the victim.”
”The police are rushing to identify the victim.”
The suspect received donations from companies, NPOs, school districts, and the general public through personal channels as well as the fundraising site GoFundMe.
The suspect received donations from companies, NPOs, school districts, and the general public through personal channels as well as the fundraising site GoFundMe.