2021-05-08 11:02:03Z
Ruエヤ 16:05 08/05/2021
3 0
Woan San Tan 15:05 08/05/2021
0 0
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label.tran_page Steel material loaded on the trailer pierces ... 6 people died.


label.tran_page On the night of the 3rd, a large trailer collided with a passenger car running in front of a highway in Henan Province, China, resulting in a collision accident involving a total of 6 cars.

label.tran_page In the video immediately after, you can see that the steel material of the trailer’s cargo has collapsed and is thrown onto the road.

label.tran_page Each steel material is 12 meters long and weighs 2.2 tons, and a total of 6 people died when it was stabbed in the driver’s seat of the trailer or two passenger cars running in front of it.

label.tran_page Police investigated that the steel material was not firmly fixed to the loading platform, which caused more damage.