EXIDハニだけじゃない!! 「とし10歳以上さいいじょう」で結婚けっこんした韓国かんこくスターたち
2024-06-02 21:32:03
dino 16:06 02/06/2024
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EXIDハニだけじゃない!! 「とし10歳以上さいいじょう」で結婚けっこんした韓国かんこくスターたち
label.tran_page EXID’s Hani isn’t the only one!! Korean stars who got married with an ”age difference of 10 years or more”


label.tran_page The latest loving couples in the Korean entertainment industry seem to have a 10-year age difference.
label.tran_page Couples with a 10-year age difference who have recently announced their marriage are attracting attention.


label.tran_page First up is Hani from girl group EXID, who announced her marriage on June 1st.
label.tran_page Born in 1992, Hani’s spouse, psychiatrist Yang Jae-eun, was born in 1982.
label.tran_page That’s exactly 10 years difference.


label.tran_page The two began their public relationship in 2022, revealing that they had been dating for two years.


label.tran_page The two, who have grown to love each other by mentioning each other on broadcasts, suddenly became a hot topic on May 31st when rumors were raised that they would be getting married in September of this year.
label.tran_page One day later, on June 1st, Hani officially announced her marriage in a handwritten letter to her fans on her personal SNS.