来月開幕らいげつかいまく パリオリンピック エッフェルとう五輪仕様ごりんしよう
2024-06-10 10:30:26
Kanti Sein 00:06 12/06/2024
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来月開幕らいげつかいまく パリオリンピック エッフェルとう五輪仕様ごりんしよう
label.tran_page The Paris Olympics will start next month; the Eiffel Tower will be in Olympic format


label.tran_page The Eiffel Tower, a tourist attraction, has been decorated with Olympic symbols in preparation for the Paris Olympics, which will begin next month.

label.tran_page The Olympic symbols adorning the Eiffel Tower on the 7th are made from recycled metal.

label.tran_page It weighs approximately 30 tons and is 13 meters long and 29 meters wide.

label.tran_page Tourists were quick to take photos of the Eiffel Tower, which has been redesigned to look like the Olympic version.

label.tran_page At the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, which will begin on the 26th of next month, athletes will have an ”entrance parade” on a boat sailing along the Seine River, and the ceremony will be held in front of the Eiffel Tower.

label.tran_page The Paralympics will begin on August 28th