大規模だいきぼ地滑じすべ発生はっせい道路どうろ一部いちぶ崩落ほうらく べい・ワイオミングしゅう
2024-06-10 10:30:26
Anonymous 00:06 11/06/2024
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大規模だいきぼ地滑じすべ発生はっせい道路どうろ一部いちぶ崩落ほうらく べい・ワイオミングしゅう
label.tran_page Large-scale landslide occurs...part of road collapses in Wyoming, USA


label.tran_page On the 8th, a large landslide occurred on a mountain road in Wyoming, USA, and part of the road collapsed.


label.tran_page According to the Department of Transportation in Wyoming, USA, a large landslide occurred on a road in the mountains on the 8th, causing the road to collapse.


label.tran_page According to local media, the collapse was part of Teton Pass, a road connecting Wyoming and neighboring Idaho.
label.tran_page Two days before the collapse, cracks had appeared on this road and a motorcycle had been involved in an accident.
label.tran_page Additionally, the road had been closed on the previous day, the 7th, due to a debris flow in some sections, and there were no cars on the road when the collapse occurred.


label.tran_page No one was injured in the collapse, but the state Department of Transportation is asking people to refrain from using the road.