入管にゅうかん法律ほうりつ くにもどときのルールわった
2024-06-10 16:20:00
Anonymous 07:06 11/06/2024
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入管にゅうかん法律ほうりつ くにもどときのルールわった
label.tran_page Immigration law: rules for returning to the country have changed


label.tran_page The Immigration Control Law changed on the 10th.


label.tran_page Under existing laws, people applying for refugee status could not be returned to their country.
label.tran_page However, the rules have changed, and from the third examination onwards, people can be returned to the country without a solid reason.
label.tran_page The Immigration Services Agency says this is because some people apply multiple times because they don’t want to return to their country, and the refugee screening process takes a long time.


label.tran_page The previous law stipulated that people who were told to return to their country but did not return would be placed in facilities.
label.tran_page From now on, you will be able to live with a ”supervisor” designated by the Immigration Bureau.


label.tran_page The Immigration Bureau says, ``We want to carry out screening quickly and protect the people we need to protect.’’


label.tran_page However, those who support foreigners say, ``People whose lives are in danger may be returned to their countries.’’


label.tran_page Experts say, ``It is important to conduct examinations in an easy-to-understand manner.’’