てつパイプ100本落下ぽんらっか 4にんけが 19かい建設現場けんせつげんばから... 新潟市にいがたし
2022-09-23 16:15:36
bijayakumarbehera123 13:09 24/09/2022
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てつパイプ100本落下ぽんらっか 4にんけが 19かい建設現場けんせつげんばから... 新潟市にいがたし
label.tran_page 100 steel pipes fell, 4 people were injured, from the construction site on the 19th floor... Niigata City


label.tran_page 100 steel pipes fell at the construction site of an apartment building

label.tran_page 4 workers were injured


label.tran_page The police are investigating that an iron pipe fell with a sound of Gashan before 2:00 pm on the 22nd at the construction site of the condominium.


label.tran_page About 100 steel pipes fell from the 19th floor at a condominium construction site in Chuo Ward, Niigata City, just before 2pm.


label.tran_page The length of the iron pipe was about 1.5 meters, and it hit four male workers who were working, but all were slightly injured.