ロシアじん観光旅行かんこうりょこう停止措置ていしそち準備じゅんび フィンランド
2022-09-26 11:02:05
Andrew Kwan 14:09 26/09/2022
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ロシアじん観光旅行かんこうりょこう停止措置ていしそち準備じゅんび フィンランド
label.tran_page Preparing measures to stop tourist travel by Russians Finland


label.tran_page  Prime Minister Marin of Northern Europe Finland announced that he is preparing measures to end tourist trips through Finland and travel to other countries by Russians by the 25th.

label.tran_page According to the public Finnish Broadcasting Corporation (YLE), he told reporters after deliberations in the country’s parliament

label.tran_page After Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a ”partial mobilization order” to replenish troops in Ukraine, on the 22nd in eastern Finland, which borders Russia, crossings from Russia increased throughout the night.
label.tran_page A video showing a long train of Russians trying to leave even in several countries with land borders with Russia was circulating on SNS.

label.tran_page According to YLE, Prime Minister Marin pointed out that it is possible to take new measures if it is determined that the security situation at the border checkpoint has deteriorated.
label.tran_page I touched on entry visa restrictions that regulate border crossings from Russia to Finland.

label.tran_page However, they also reported that even if new restrictions were introduced, they would still be allowed to enter the country for reasons such as family reunions.