中国ちゅうごく四川省しせんしょう 春節しゅんせつまえあかちゃんパンダ大集合だいしゅうごう
2022-01-26 11:02:05
Anonymous 22:01 27/01/2022
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中国ちゅうごく四川省しせんしょう 春節しゅんせつまえあかちゃんパンダ大集合だいしゅうごう
label.tran_page A large gathering of baby pandas in front of the Chinese New Year in Sichuan, China


label.tran_page Baby panda toddling with a lovely expression
label.tran_page This is a video taken at the Panda Conservation Research Center in Sichuan, China.

label.tran_page On the 24th, 20 of the 27 baby pandas born last year before the Chinese New Year and Chinese New Year were unveiled and gathered in front of the camera.
label.tran_page Some pandas run away because they were cramped when they took a commemorative photo while being held by the keeper.
label.tran_page After the shooting was over, I ran around and played with the snow again, and I was playing around at once.