2022-03-05 22:19:03
virendra 15:03 06/03/2022
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label.tran_page Import suspension of imitations of popular anime ”Kimetsu no Yaiba” increased 10 times from the previous year


label.tran_page According to the Ministry of Finance, the number of counterfeit brand products, etc., whose imports were suspended for infringing intellectual property at customs nationwide in the last year, was 28,270, the fifth highest in the past.

label.tran_page Last year’s feature was that the number of injunctions for imitations of the popular anime ”Kimetsu no Yaiba” increased 10 times compared to the previous year, while the number of medals related to the Tokyo Olympics decreased significantly.

label.tran_page Looking at the breakdown of which country the suspended items came from, China accounts for nearly 80%, but Vietnam has doubled and exceeded 10% for the first time.