Rainwater is like a river... Large-scale landslides in Ecuador, South America 7 people died (2024/06/18)
0 view南米エクアドルで激しい暴風雨となり大規模な土砂崩れが発生し、少なくとも7人が死亡、10人が行方不明となっています。
At least 7 people died and 10 people are missing after a fierce storm caused major landslides in Ecuador, South America.大量の雨水が山肌から川のように流れてきます。
A large amount of rainwater flows like a river from the mountainside.重機を使って押し寄せる土砂を取り除きますが、水の勢いはやみません。
Heavy equipment was used to remove rising soil and sand but the force of the water did not stop.16日、エクアドルの広い範囲が激しい雨と強風に見舞われ、中部のバニョス市では幹線道路で大規模な土砂崩れが発生しました。
On the 16th, large areas of Ecuador suffered heavy rain, strong winds, and large landslides on the main road in the center of Banos city.地元メディアによりますと、バス1台が土砂に埋まったほか、車3台、住宅2軒が被害を受け、少なくとも7人が死亡し、10人の行方が分からなくなっています。
According to local media, a bus was buried by mud, 3 cars and 2 houses were damaged, at least 7 people were killed and 10 people are missing.また、17人がけがをして病院に搬送され、手当てを受けているということです。
In addition, 17 injured people were transferred to the hospital for treatment.エクアドル大統領府は被災地に重機を搬入して復旧作業を進める方針ですが、全土で主要道路の寸断が相次いでいて作業に遅れが出ています。
The Ecuadorian Presidential Office plans to send heavy machinery to disaster-hit areas and conduct recovery efforts, but major roads across the country are disrupted one after another, causing work delays.No word list
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