The video of Hayabusa 2 landing on the asteroid was released for the first time.こちらははやぶさ2が先月22日に地球から
This is the image of Hayabusa 2 landing on the planet Ryugu,3億4000万キロ離れた惑星竜宮に着陸したときの映像です
which is 340 million kilometers away from the earth on the 22nd of last month.表面に弾丸が撃ち込まれたことでたくさんの砂や石が待っている様子が分かります
When the bullet shot at the surface, we can see that the asteroid's surface is covered with a lot of sand and stones.この映像ははやぶさ2に搭載された小型カメラが捉えたへ画像をつなぎ合わせたもので
This image is combined of images captured by a small camera appended on Hayabusa 2きょう jaxa 宇宙航空研究開発機構が初めて公開しました
And yesterday Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency jaxa released them for the first time.はやぶさ2は4月上旬に竜宮の表面にクレーターを作る世界初の実験をし5月にも2回
Hayabusa 2 is the first experiment in the world that makes a crater on the surface of Ryugu in the early part of April,目の着陸に
and is planning for the second landingに挑む予定だということです
in May.No word list
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