We’re not flawless at all原型を愛せる訳でも無い
But it doesn't mean we could love the basic patternこの無様に移ろう形を
We're biting and tearing off安い化けの皮を
each other cheap masks噛み付き合い 剥ぎ取り合って
that have changed our form into ugly互いを見付けて来たんだろう
in order to find our true selves補い合うのなんざご免なんだ
Sorry, I don't want to life complement each otherさぁ好きに踊ろうぜ
Now, just dance to your heart's content何を創るつもりなんだ
What do you intend to build自分で散らかした瓦礫の上
above the wreckage you scattered around?同じ物を欲しがって
You desire for the same things同じ時を過ごしたのが運の尽き
You have spent the same time unfortunately, it's out of luck縁が目に見えりゃもうきっと腐ってる
If fate could be seen by eyes, it'd surely be rotten now言葉は2層 面もそう
Words have two sides same with human's face仏の顔だって3度までを
Buddha's face also up to three天文学的に超えてくる
and you'll easily overcome them華麗なステップで
with such a splendid step僕等は完全無欠じゃ無い
We're not flawless at all原型を愛せる訳でも無い
But it doesn't mean we could love the basic patternこの無様に移ろう形を
we could love the basic pattern安い化けの皮を
each other cheap masks噛み付き合い 剥ぎ取り合って
that have changed our form into ugly互いを見付けて来たんだろう
in order to find our true selves補い合うのなんざご免なんだ
Sorry, I don't want to life complement each otherさぁ好きに踊ろうぜ
Now, just dance to your heart's contentNo word list
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