私の中に宿った命 お前が生まれる朝を待っていた
私の中に宿った命 お前が生まれる朝を待っていた
For so how many days I've been waiting for your coming to this world. Cherished inside me was there a laughter of an infant forming upこの胸に抱いて伝わるぬくもり 穢れのない美しい瞳
I suddenly woke up and saw your tiny fairy form. In your burst out cry, my eyes glazed over from happy tears Thank you for coming to me愛しい我が子 かけがえのない たった一人の大切な子よ
My lovely dear, do you know that I love you more than anything. Oh honey, you lay there in a cradle with your wide eyes openほら見てごらん 父さんの目にもうれし涙がにじんだ
Looking at your Dad with joyous tears rolling on his lips. You see that my dear, Dad was crying for youお前の可愛いその唇が 私を「お母さん」と呼んだ朝
In a wake of one day, I heard you whistled your first lips to me: "Mama!"心に溢れるこの喜びを 噛み締めながら頬ずりをした
Oh your tiny lips suddenly sounded out this word to make my heart jumping out with hapiness歩いてごらん 小さな足でいつも私が見守っている
You toddled after your Dad, placing your first step onto a life. And we will protect your stepこれから先もどんな時でも 前に続く道を見て
Keep walking on, I am always by your side and follow every of your step若草の萌えるこの故郷で 幼いお前は学び初めた
The first day you went to school with me, you hid shyly after my back真夏の小路に降る蝉時雨 お前の明日を導くように
The cicadas droned out a late summer pitch to welcome you along the way of sunshine腕いっぱいの叶えたい夢抱いて お前が重ねる月日
Then you found your own dream, kept trying to make it true巡る季節に逞しくなる その背中が誇らしい
Then your childhood passed by like a wind, you were not my tiny little boy anymore but a man初めて恋した人に綴った お前の思いと真っ赤なバラは
One day I saw your vague smile with a red rose hidden under your table. That moment I knew my boy found his first love月夜の窓辺で風に吹かれて 涙にぬれて静かに散った
Then, another day I saw your vague sadness with tears on your face恋の痛みもやがては癒える 凍てつく冬に春が来るように
Oh my dear, the pain of love would go away, after the rain the sunshine would be brighter肩を並べて歩く 誰かに出会える日がきっと来る
Kept walking on the way you chose, and you would find your own loveこころの翼を大きく広げ お前は遠くへ羽ばたいてゆく
Opened your heart, let your feeling find the right one雨の日 風の日 空を見上げて なつかしいほほえみ思い出す
On rainy days and windy days, I looked into the sky and missed you so much流れる雲よ どうか伝えて 幸せ祈る母の姿を
In every words with love, I asked the clouds to bring to you募る会いたさ胸にしまって 今日もここに立っている
For so many days, I've been waiting for your coming back歳月刻んだ両手のしわを 優しく包んだ暖かい手に
Holding you in my trembling, full of wrinkles hands朝露のように涙こぼれて 震える声で名前を呼んだ
Tears spilled out like morning dew I called your name with a trembling voiceあの日のままのおまえの笑顔 うれし涙でにじんだ
Your smile was still like the first day, then I bursted into tears because of hapinessNo word list
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