伝えたくて届けたくて あの日の君へ
伝えたくて届けたくて あの日の君へ
I want to tell you, want this to reach you from that dayいつの日かのサヨナラさえも 胸に仕舞って
Even my goodbye sometime in the past is buried in my heart空の蒼さに目を細めて何気なく翳した手に
As I squint my eyes at the azure sky and casually shield them with my hand薫る風がそっと横切り季節をまた告げる
The fragrant wind softly sweeps by, announcing the season again口笛をふいに吹いて風向きが変わるように
Suddenly, you whistle a tune, and like the wind changes direction少しだけ君は涙して
You shed a little tear「明日が少し怖いの」と呟いた
I gaze into nothing but your profile伝えたくて届けたくて あの日の君へ
I want to tell you, want this to reach you from that dayいつの日かのサヨナラさえも 胸に仕舞って
Even my goodbye sometime in the past is buried in my heartいつか僕ら大人になる そして出逢える
Someday we will become grown-ups and meet again君とここで約束するよ
I promise you right hereだから笑顔で だから笑顔で
so please smile, so please smile掴みかけたその掌はひらひらと手を離れて
The unstoppable tomorrow vanishes into the distant sky暗闇の中歩いて手探りの道に見えた
As I walk in the dark grasping my way一縷の光が在ると知る
I know it was a ray of light that I saw言葉をあえて探したら
If we shall find a proper term for it「希望」の二文字を僕ら一途に選ぶだろう
離れなくて届かなくて そこにあるのは
Inseparable and unreachable, there it isいつの日にも二人見上げた 空の蒼さで
The azure sky both of us were gazing upon in the pastあの日僕ら胸に残る夢を描いた
That day, we drew our dreams and etched them into our heartsだからここで君に祈るよ いつも笑顔で
So I pray for you right here, please always smile on僕が君にもらったもの 君が僕に話したこと
If I were to count what I got from you and what you told me数えたら星降る夜が始まる
the starry night would start fallingカタチのない想いを今 君の元へ流せば
If I flush this shapeless feeling to where you are now約束のその場所へ二人を連れて行く
伝えたくて届けたくて あの日の君へ
I want to tell you, want this to reach you from that dayいつの日かのサヨナラさえも 胸に仕舞って
Even my goodbye sometime in the past is buried in my heartいつか僕ら大人になる そして出逢える
Someday we will become grown-ups and meet again君とここで約束するよ
I promise you right hereだから笑顔で だから笑顔で
so please smile, so please smileNo word list
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