もし君を 許せたら
もし君を 許せたら
if I were to forgive youまた誰かを 愛せるかな?
could I come to love someone again?閉ざしたはずの心なのに
this heart of mine should have been closed off, soどうして まだ 夢見るんだろう?
why does it still dream?生きてくんだろう?
why does it still live?突然の雨に 濡れた身体
my body is soaked in a sudden downpourソファに埋め 目をつむった
buried in the couch, I close my eyes無情に時計の針は進む
apathetically, the clock's needle ticks ahead僕を置き去りにして
leaving me behind君に奪われた 戻らない時間
I will never get the time you stole from me back忘れることさえ できないなんて
yet I can't even forget it allもし君を 許せたら
if I were to forgive youまた誰かを 愛せるかな?
could I come to love someone again?悲しい顔は 見たくなくて
Not waiting to see your saddened face僕は声を 上げないけど
I can't even raise my voice思いは消せない
but I can't erase these feelings either薄明かりの中 眠ったふりの
by the dim light of dawn, pretending to sleepNo word list
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