the cherry blossom petals gently fall and dance幾千もの時を眺めて行った
I've gone to gaze at them thousands of times光り輝くこの場所でいつかまた夢を語ろう
let's talk about our dreams again one day, in this place where the light shines桜の下
under the cherry blossoms夢の続きは君に託そう
I'll leave the rest of the dream to you太陽みたいな笑顔に
to your smile that's like the sun眩しい光に包まれた先に
I found the bonds of friendship見つけた友の絆
where I was wrapped in dazzling light生まれかわれたとしたなら
if I was born, I would look for you again来世また君を探そう
in my next life語り尽くせぬ想いを伝えよう
I'd tell you my feelings, a topic that can never be exhausted君が覚えていなくても
even if you didn't remember meきっと 巡り逢えるだろう
I'm sure we'd meet again桜の下
under the cherry blossoms未来永劫 続いてゆくだろう
eternity will continue on散っては咲き誇る桜
the cherry blossoms will scatter and bloom太陽みたいに笑うあの人を思い出させてほしい
I want to make the person with the smile like the sun remember散り際に燃えた美しさを
I won't forget the beauty that rages when they scatter忘れない 忘れない
no, I won't forget夢の続きは君に託そう
I'll leave the rest of the dream to you太陽みたいな笑顔に
to your smile that's like the sun眩しい光に包まれた先に
I found the bonds of friendship見つけた友の絆
where I was wrapped in dazzling lightNo word list
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