Japanese newspaper
気候変動きこうへんどう 先天せんてんせい心臓病しんぞうびょう増加ぞうか
2019-05-01 13:18:02Z
Anonymous 00:05 03/05/2019
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気候変動きこうへんどう 先天せんてんせい心臓病しんぞうびょう増加ぞうか
label.tran_page Climate change: Does congenital heart disease increase?


label.tran_page According to US studies, when the temperature rises due to the effects of climate change, more babies will be born and have heart problems


label.tran_page After examining the risk factors for birth defects, the research team predicted the impact on children born between 2025 and 35


label.tran_page With the effect of pregnant women being exposed to heat, the number of children with congenital heart disease born over the past 11 years can increase by 7,000.


label.tran_page Because of warming, living in a Mid-Western state, mothers from pregnancy to spring are particularly at risk


label.tran_page Previous studies have shown that the risk of preterm birth and low weight children increases if the heat continues during pregnancy