Japanese newspaper
徳島市とくしましで「阿波あわおどり」がはじまった 地震じしんにもつける
2024-08-13 15:30:00
dino 14:08 15/08/2024
1 0
Anonymous 13:08 13/08/2024
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徳島市とくしましで「阿波あわおどり」がはじまった 地震じしんにもつける
label.tran_page ”Awa Odori” has started in Tokushima City. Be careful of earthquakes


label.tran_page The famous festival ``Awa Odori’’ has begun in Tokushima City.
label.tran_page At festivals, many people dance to the sound of drums and other instruments.


label.tran_page On the night of the 12th, about 1,500 people performed a powerful dance.
label.tran_page People who came to see the event had fun taking pictures and clapping their hands.

先週せんしゅう8ようか気象庁きしょうちょうは、南海なんかいトラフというところとてもおおきな地震じしんこる 可能性かのうせいが、いつもよりたかくなっていると発表はっぴょうしました

label.tran_page Last week on the 8th, the Japan Meteorological Agency announced that the possibility of a very large earthquake occurring in the Nankai Trough is higher than usual.


label.tran_page At the festival venue, we have written the evacuation locations in case of an earthquake or tsunami so that everyone can see them.
label.tran_page I also told them to stay in their seats and lower their bodies in the event of an earthquake.


label.tran_page Awa Odori in Tokushima City runs until the 15th.