Japanese newspaper
PCゲーム「パルワールド」、またただいヒット ポケモン酷似こくじとのいかこえ
2024-01-26 10:31:21
Anonymous 16:01 26/01/2024
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PCゲーム「パルワールド」、またただいヒット ポケモン酷似こくじとのいかこえ
label.tran_page PC game ”Palworld” becomes an instant hit, with some angry voices saying it looks too similar to Pokemon


label.tran_page ``Pal World,’’ developed by Japanese game developer Pocket Pair, has become an unexpected blockbuster.


label.tran_page According to the company’s X (formerly Twitter), Pal World sold 7 million copies in less than a week on the PC game distribution platform Steam.
label.tran_page However, criticism has been raised that it looks too similar to the popular game ``Pokemon’’, which has resulted in even more controversy.

ポケットペアはXでパルワールドについて「リリースから5いつか売上本数うりあげほんすう700万本達成まんほんたっせいしました! 本当ほんとうありがとうございます! 現在げんざい最優先さいゆうせん障害しょうがいやバグ修正しゅうせい対応中たいおうちゅうです」とあきらかにした

label.tran_page Pocket Pair revealed about Palworld on X, ``We achieved 7 million sales in 5 days after release! Thank you so much! We are currently working on fixing problems and bugs as a top priority.’’
label.tran_page Palworld is also available on Xbox, etc., but it is not included in the 7 million copies figure.


label.tran_page In this game, players capture Pokémon-like creatures in wide open spaces and use them to fight off enemies, fight hunger, and survive in the natural world.


label.tran_page However, the comparison with Pokemon also resulted in controversy.


label.tran_page According to video game media ``IGN’’, fans of the Pokemon series are outraged by the striking similarities in the designs of the creatures.
label.tran_page A death threat was sent to Pocket Pair.


label.tran_page Pocket Pair president Takuro Mizobe also responded to the death threat information on


label.tran_page This isn’t the first time avid gamers have been subjected to harassment, doxxing, and death threats.
label.tran_page In 2017, there was an incident in which a man in Kansas, US, died after reporting a false report due to a problem in a game.
label.tran_page In a Game Developers Conference (GDC) survey last year, 91% of respondents said harassment and defamation were a concern for developers.