Japanese newspaper
東京都とうきょうとまわけん 20はつかから電車でんしゃ運転うんてんはやわる
2021-01-14 12:00:00
Anonymous 15:01 14/01/2021
2 0
Anonymous 04:01 16/01/2021
1 0
Anonymous 10:01 17/01/2021
0 0
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東京都とうきょうとまわけん 20はつかから電車でんしゃ運転うんてんはやわる
label.tran_page Tokyo and surrounding prefectures Train operation ends early from the 20th


label.tran_page The government has issued ”states of emergency” to Tokyo and the three surrounding prefectures.
label.tran_page I tell them not to go out as much as possible to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, especially after 8 pm


label.tran_page For this reason, railway companies running in Tokyo and the surrounding prefectures were thinking about what to do with trains late at night.


label.tran_page And 24 railroads such as JR East decided to finish the train operation earlier than now.
label.tran_page Some trains finish about 30 minutes earlier than now
label.tran_page Railroad companies and others say that from January 20th, the time to finish driving will be earlier.