やら~やら => A, B, ... (examples from a list) N2
Lists, Examples
…とやら => heard that~ N2
やら~やら => such things as A and B; A and B and so on ~ N2
~やたらに => randomly; recklessly; blindly N1
Emphasis on degree
...のやら => or ~ (I don't know) N1
やらなにやら => In addition to the facts / things, there are many other things like that … N2
Demonstrate by example
なにやら => something, some kind of N2
とやら => or whatever, or something like that… N3
どうやら => possibly; apparently; seems like; somehow; barely ~ N2
~ものやら      => I wonder...; unsure; I don’t know ~ N1
や => ... or... N5
Line up, list
や否や => as soon as; the moment ~ N1