とはくらべ[物「もの」]にならない => It's no match for A N1
Comparison/ Exchange
~ました/~ませんでした => Polite, past form of verb N5
Verb suffixes
てしまう => Did something N4
Secondary Verb
まだしも => A is acceptable, N2
Comparison, Exchange
しまつだ => Denotes negative results A N1
Reason, Result, Response
~ましょう。 => Let's (together), Shall I/we…? N5
Verb suffixes
ではあるまいし => It's not like A, it isn't as if A N1
Reason, Result, Response
うと~まいと,うが~まいが => Whether or not A (is/occurs) N1
Based/focused/depending on
ずにはすまない/ないではすまない => A must be done N1
Potential, Possibility
にもまして => More than the time/period A, B (condition) N1
Comparison/ Exchange
らしい => Seem to~ N4
Sentence Endings
ずじまい => Haven't done A N1
Will, Decision, Doing