がちです/がちになる => A tends to become/happen/occur N2
Potential, Possibility
にたる,にたりる => Enough to/for A, Sufficient for A, Worthy of A N1
はもちろん/はもとより => Although A is given/obvious; B N3
List, Examples
に[違「ちが」]いない => Without a doubt, A N2
Information, Report
~たり~たりする => Do things like V1,V2 N5
Verb suffixes
か~ないかのうちに => Right after A, C N2
Time, Situation
たち => Plural form N5
[中心「ちゅうしん」]に => With A as the center N2
わりに => Considering A, B N2
Considering, Concerning
わりに => Considering A, B (unexpected) N3
Considering, Concerning
ばかりに => Because A, B N2
Reason, Result, Response
ふりをする => To pretend to (be) A N3
Adjectival, Description