さっぱり…ない => nothing/ absolutely not… N2
Position, perspective
もっぱら => Everyone... N2
もっぱら => Just all, just N2
がっている => Want, like N4
Secondary Verb
っぱなし => To keep A; To remain/stay A N2
Adjectival, Descriptions
さっぱりだ => There is nothing exciting or positive at all N2
Emphasize negative meaning
がっている => Wants to A N3
Will, Decision, Doing
… がいい ... => ... I hope that ... N3
たいがい => in general N2
Repetition, habit
っぱなし => leaving something in an improper state; leaving something on; leaving still in use N3
いちがいに…ない => Impossible... in general N2
いっさいない => Not at all N2
Emphasize negative meaning