…か…ない (か) => Around ..., sometimes V, not fully V N3
V-ば => You should... N3
Invite and advise
~ひょうしに(~拍子に)   => the moment [A], unintentionally / inadvertently caused something to happen N1
にV-ます => Frequency N5
Repetition, habit
...にV => in addition to..., too... N3
N に V => To do something ... N4
Purpose, target
~Vず して => without doing ~ N1
にV-ます => Starting point N5
Starting point
と伝えていただけませんか => Could you tell, Could you convey N4
~たい。 => Want to V N5
Verb suffixes
Nは/がNをV-させる => N makes/lets/allows N do V (N is person) N4
~Vた + せつな => moment, instant, juncture N1
Beyond expectations