ちゃんと => Clear, neat, dignified, complete N3
Result status
たぶん => Maybe... N4
~んがため(に)/~んがための      => in order to ~ N1
ちゃんとする => Serious, tidy, complete N3
Result status
たぶん => perhaps; probably N4
んだった => If... (express regret) N2
...たいんですが => want N4
How to say the beginning
はもちろん => not to mention; not only … but also ~ N3
たとたん(に) => as soon as; just as ~ N3
ませんでした => Did not... N5
Negation in the past
まんいち => emergency; unlikely event​; by some chance; by some possibility N2
Assumed conditions
なんともおもわない => think nothing of N3