...どおし => Throughout N3
どおり => in that way N3
Base, base
どんな => Whatever, anything (also) N5
Things do not match the prediction
なんか/なんて/など => give examples N3
どんな...ですか => How N5
通り (とおり/どおり) => in the same way as; in the way; as ~ N2
ほとんど…た => hardly any, almost all N2
~どおしだ(通しだ)      => do something all the time N1
どんなに~ても => no matter how (much) N3
どんなに…だろう(か) => how…!; what…! N3
Emphasis on degree
なんともおもわない => think nothing of N3
かとおもうほど => a thing reaches such a terrible level N2
For example, simile