確かに => surely, certainly ~ N3
に気がつく => to notice; to realize N4
~をかわきりに(~を皮切りに)      => One after another; starting with ~ N1
気にもならない => it's no use; can't do N1
気味 => -like; -looking; -looked; tending to ~ N2
~をおして      => to overcome (opposition); to push past ~ N1
...ことをとおして => through; via; throughout; by ~ N2
Go through, go through
ずにはおかない/ないではおかない => Will definitely A, N1
Will, Decision, Doing
一気に => in one go; without stopping; all at once; immediately; instantly; right away ~ N2
をきっかけに/を契機に => with… as a start; as a result of; taking advantage of N2
をかわきりに => Starting with A N1
おくに => Which country N5