[以下「いか」] => Less than A, under/below A (amount) N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
[見「み」]える => Can be seen; is visible N4
Causative, Passive, Volitional
て[下「くだ」]さる => Do for someone N4
Give and take advice
から[見「み」]れば => If you think from the standpoint of A N2
Considering, Concerning
て[以来「いらい」] => After A, B (continuous action/condition N2
Information, Report
て下さいませんか => Please do A (polite) N5
Asking and Telling
[下「くだ」]さる => Give B to A (A is you, your friends, your family, etc.) N4
Give and take advice
ざるを[得「え」]ない => Only A is left to do/can be done N2
(Not)only, (Not) even
[以上「いじょう」] => Because of A, B (is an expected/natural result), Now that A, B, More than (or including) A , More than (or including) A N2
Reason, Result, Response
を[禁「きん」]じ[得「え」]ない => Can't help but do A, can't hold back from A (emotional response to something) N1
Will, Decision, Doing
と([思「おも」]う、[言「い」]う、[考「かんが」]える) => That A N4
さえ/にさえ/でさえ => Even N3
Not only, Not even