てしょうがない/てしかたがない => Very A; Really A; Extremely A N2
Degree, Level, Amount
にひきかえ => In contrast to A N1
Comparison/ Exchange
したがって => Because of A, B N2
Reason, Result, Response
かたがた => Using A as an opportunity/chance/way to B N1
Information, Report
がた => Plural form(polite) N5
~がほしい => I want ~ N5
Asking and Telling
~ました/~ませんでした => Polite, past form of verb N5
Verb suffixes
にしたがって => As A changes, B changes (in response to A), In accordance with A N2
Information, Report
ただし => A。However, B N2
にしたら => From A's perspective, N2
Considering, Concerning
もし~たなら => If A … N3
Conditional, While
かた => How to A N4
Verb Suffixes