[並「な」]み => The level of A N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
ただ~のみならず => Not only A, N1
(Not)only , (Not) even
のみならず => Not only A, but B as well N2
(Not)only, (Not) even
から[見「み」]れば => If you think from the standpoint of A N2
Considering, Concerning
[極「きわ」]み/[極「きわ」]まりない => Extremely A N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
なかなか => It is hard to do A, N2
Adjectival, Descriptions
てみる => Try to A N4
Secondary Verb
ちなみに => A. and/in addition/by the way, B (a little more information) N2
Information, Report
ただ~のみだ => Only A N1
(Not)only , (Not) even
ずにはおかない/ないではおかない => Will definitely A, N1
Will, Decision, Doing
にほかならない => Only A N2
Reason, Result, Response
とみえる => It seems that A N1
Information, Report