さすがに => understandably N2
Base, base
さすがの...も => even ~also N2
The highest (comparative) level
さすが => as one would expect N2
さすが (に) … だけあって => being the case; precisely because; as expected from ~ N3
Base, base
〜がさいご(が最後) => if you do... negative result N1
Decisive (resolute decision)
いまさらながら => Still ... now N3
さっぱり…ない => nothing/ absolutely not… N2
Position, perspective
いっさいない => Not at all N2
Emphasize negative meaning
さすが => as one would expect; as is to be expected; even ~ N4
~と(が)相まって => combining / together with… N1
がっている => Want, like N4
Secondary Verb
さっぱりだ => There is nothing exciting or positive at all N2
Emphasize negative meaning