にひきかえ => In contrast to A N1
Comparison/ Exchange
とみえる => It seems that A N1
Information, Report
[見「み」]える => Can be seen; is visible N4
Causative, Passive, Volitional
と([思「おも」]う、[言「い」]う、[考「かんが」]える) => That A N4
をくださいませんか => Please give me A (polite) N5
Asking and Telling
といえども => Even if A, even though A N1
[使「し」][役「えき」][受「う」]け[身「み」] => Imperative N4
Causative, Passive, Volitional
どんなに => No matter how (much) A, B , B is Result N3
Adjectival, Description
どんなに~うが => No matter what A, no matter how A N1
に[加「くわ」]えて/に[加「くわ」]え => In addition to A (not only A), B as well. N2
Lists, Examples
いかんでは,いかんによっては => Considering A, depending on A N1
Based/focused/depending on
いかんにかかわらず,いかんによらず => Regardless of A (A is a reason, response, result) N1
Based/focused/depending on