だからこそ => precisely because ~ N3
Cause, reason
のことだから => because; since ~ N2
これだけ … のだから ... => To this extent... N2
Emphasis on degree
ここ/そこ/あそこ/こちら/そちら/あちら => here / there / over there N5
Spatial relations
... ことだ => should N3
… たら... ところだ => if… (counterfactual condition), then would be ~ N3
Condition (condition contrary to reality)
どうせ (のこと) だから => Because eventually have to ... N3
Invite and advise
~みこみだ => ~Expected N1
Determined, determined
からこそ/~ばこそ/こそ => precisely because ~ N2
といえば…ぐらいのことだ => speaking of... just... N2
Respectful, humble
…だけのことだ => That's all, just... N2
Position, perspective
ことだし => Because...so... N2
Cause, reason