ところによると / よれば => According to.. N3
Base, base
ことによると / ばあいによると => perhaps, ... N3
Base, base
ばこそ => only because ~ N1
からこそ/~ばこそ/こそ => precisely because ~ N2
といえば…ぐらいのことだ => speaking of... just... N2
Respectful, humble
…ば…ところだ(った) => If… (counterfactual condition), then would be ~ N3
Condition (condition contrary to reality)
ばこそ => Because of A N1
Reason, Result, Response
(のこと)となれば => when it comes to; in such a case; if that happens N2
Story topic
~これ以上...ば => if ~ any more than this N1
Condition (hypothetical condition)
~こととて      => because; since ~ N1
ところを/ところに/ところへ => Right on time/At the right time N2
こと => How, too N3