[謙譲語「けんじょうご」] => Humble form of A, humble form of する verbs N4
~ましょう。 => Let's (together), Shall I/we…? N5
Verb suffixes
でしょう => I think... Probably.., I wonder if... N5
と([思「おも」]う、[言「い」]う、[考「かんが」]える) => That A N4
てとうぜんだ => A is common, natural, not surprising N2
Adjectival, Descriptions
に[応「おう」]じて(は)/に[応「おう」]じ(た) => In response/reply to A, In line with A; That fits with A N2
Based, Focused, Depending on
[必要「ひつよう」]はない => It is not necessary for A to be done N2
Needs, Requirements
[以上「いじょう」] => Because of A, B (is an expected/natural result), Now that A, B, More than (or including) A , More than (or including) A N2
Reason, Result, Response
うではないか/うじゃないか => Let's go A; Why don't we A? N2
というか~というか => (not sure if it's) A or B N1
だろうと[思「おも」]う => I think probably A N4
Sentence Endings
ようと[思「おも」]う => I think I will A N4
Causative, Passive, Volitional