~みこみがある => There is hope, there is prospect. N1
...が...を...みせる => make it look like... N4
Base, base
がみえる => to look; to seem; to appear N3
~く/ ~にする      => to make something ~ N4
Add meaning
上げる => to finish doing ~ N3
くする/にする => To make, to change into N5
Change, cause and effect
... みます => try doing ~ N4
Conjugate verbs
がする => to smell; hear; or taste N4
~みこみちがい / みこみはずれ> => ~Contrary to expectations N1
Beyond expectations
~みこみがたつ => have a good prospect N1
のが上手 => to be good at doing something N5
くする/にする/ようにする => to make something ~, to decide on, to try to; to make sure that ~ N4