~べからず      => must not; should not; do not ~ N1
べからず => Shouldn't do A (A is forbidden) N1
Will, Decision, Doing
べからざる => Cannot A N1
Potential, Possibility
~べからざる => must not; should not; do not ~ N1
からすると/からすれば/からしたら => judging from; considering; by the look of ~ N2
に[比「くら」]べて/に[比「くら」]べ => When compared to A N3
Comparison, Exchange
ですから => because, so, therefore N3
からする => at least, become N2
More or less in quantity
~すべがない      => there is no way, cannot do N1
にもかかわらず => despite; in spite of; nevertheless; although ~ N2
いかんにかかわらず,いかんによらず => Regardless of A (A is a reason, response, result) N1
Based/focused/depending on
からある/からする/からの => at least; as much as; as many as ~ N1