に[基「もと」]づいて/に[基「もと」]づき/に[基「もと」]づく => Based on A N2
Based, Focused, Depending on
~づめだ      => full of N1
づらい => difficult to do ~ N4
...なりなんなり... => any,anything,whatever N1
んです => Because, by… N4
Situations and Experiences
...たいんですが => want N4
How to say the beginning
どんな...ですか => How N5
んですが => opening the story N4
がわかります => Capacity N5
に基づいて => based on; on the basis of ~ N2
~く/ ~にする      => to make something ~ N4
Add meaning
くないです => Adjective negation N5
Emphasize the negative meaning