いぜん => ago, since N4
Relationship before and after
... いぜん => Before talking about... (Stage) N4
... いぜん => ago, since, before, previous (time) N4
Relationship before and after
... はいけません => must not; may not; cannot N4
いただけませんか => could you please ~ N4
... いぜん => Before, Not even, Before even, Precede, Far from N4
Relationship before and after
いぜん (依然) => still, as yet, as it has been N3
わけだから...はとうぜんだ => Because, ..., it's only natural; no wonder; might as well ~ N2
Of course
わけだから...てもとうぜんだ => Because, ..., it's only natural; no wonder; might as well ~ N2
Of course
させていただけませんか => Could you please let me do... N4
と伝えていただけませんか => Could you tell, Could you convey N4
て仕方がない/てしょうがない => can't help but; very; extremely ~ N2